Aliayah, age 18, became homeless after her relationship broke down with her family. Describing her home environment as ‘toxic’, it wasn’t the first time Aliayah had been kicked out. She stayed with a grandparent and friends before securing a room at The Beacon. Four months later and Aliayah is about to move on to her next chapter.

“When I first arrived at The Beacon I was the only girl, it was quite nerve-racking at first but people were really welcoming and nice. There is a lot going on, lots of opportunities.

My Support Worker at The Beacon has helped me to register with a doctor, get and pay for my driving licence as well as referring me to Fledge in Eastleigh. This week, I am moving into a shared house run by the charity Fledge.

I’m excited and nervous about moving onto Fledge, mostly excited. I know I am sociable and I think I will make lots of friends. It’s a charity for young people dealing with homelessness so I will be living with people more my age which will be good.

I plan to go to college to do my maths and English and then I hope to study criminology at college and then university. It really interests me, I want to learn why people do certain things”.

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