Students from Winchester School of Art recently spent an afternoon at The Winchester Beacon to share in some creative time with residents, staff and volunteers.

The visit was organised as part of a module focusing on sustainable fashion with students exploring ways to upcycle and repurpose their own clothes. The Fashion Design, Material and Textiles students shared a range of upcycling and fabric techniques to demonstrate how you can give clothes a new lease of life and make them your own.

Off cuts of discarded fabric and other materials were used to customise tote bags. The bags will be on sale at our stand at the Winchester Fashion Week Grand Finale on Saturday 9th April.

Nicci, Activities Co-ordinator at The Winchester Beacon commented: “Today’s workshop provided a moment of creative escapism. It was a chance to learn new skills and make something new out of something old.”

Find out more about Winchester Fashion Week.

Do you have an skill or talent that you would like to share with our residents, we love collaborating with local businesses and community groups so please get in touch with any ideas,

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